According to statistics from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), and reported by the Manufactured Housing Association for Regulatory Reform (MHARR), HUD Code manufacturers produced 5,657 homes in December 2015. Representing a 20.1 percent increase over the the 4,707 homes produced in December 2014.

The strong production in December 2015 contributed to the total of 70,544 HUD homes sold for the year, a 9.5 percent increase over the 64,334 homes produced in 2014. Giving the manufactured housing industry it’s fifth consecutive year of production increases since the housing crash in 2008-2010.

At the beginning of the great recession manufacturer production plummeted from 81,457 homes in 2008 to 49,683 in`09. After hitting rock bottom in 2010, MFH production began working its way back with increased production numbers in each successive year; 50,056 homes in 2011,  54,881 homes in 2012,  60,228 homes in 2013,  64,334 homes in 2014 and   70,544 homes in 2015. (*The cited statistics do not include modular homes, also produced by manufactured home builders, which have become an  important segment of production within the last few years.)

 Americas Modular Homes Go Green

Americas Modular Homes Go Green

Now back on track, a total of 301,605 HUD manufactured homes have been built since the acknowledged rebound in production began in August 2011, and has continued its winning streak through December 2015.

The shipment of homes produced by manufacturers closely align with the sales by retailers to homebuyers across the country. The top ten shipment states since the industry rebound in 2011 have remained relatively constant.

The top ten states with cumulative shipments through October 2015 and estimated percentage of total shipments are listed below. (The latest information for November through December 2015 results in no changes to the cumulative top ten).

     State          Cumulative            Share %  2015 Jan-Oct    2014 Jan-Oct.

  1. Texas               51,792 homes       13%           11,439            11,711
  2. Louisiana         18,410 homes        4.5%           3,826              3,774
  3. Florida              14,518 homes       3.5%           4,067              3,170
  4. N.C.                  10,739 homes       3.0%           2,474              1,959
  5. Alabama           10,537 homes       3.0%           2,306              2,074
  6. Mississippi          9,900 homes       2.5%           2,164              2,191
  7. California            9,324 homes       2.5%           2,459              2,165
  8. Kentucky             9.270 homes       2.5%          1,926               1,807
  9. Tennessee          7,744 homes       2.0%          1,760               1,491
  10. Oklahoma           7,326 homes       1.5%          1,519               1,385

Texas has been the dominant leader of the pack and the number one “manufactured home friendly state” in the U.S. for many years. Texas neighbor, Louisiana, has had a stronghold on the number two position for last couple of years, with Florida beginning to mount a challenge from the third position.

For the foreseeable future, the manufactured home will continue to represent the most affordable quality home ownership option for lower and moderate income families in the USA. The continuing growth is encouraging and expectations are that sustained growth will continue in 2016 and beyond. How much growth and how much affordability is dependent upon the extent of onerous and unjustified compliance reforms on the horizon by overzealous federal regulatory agencies.

(Photo Courtesy of Inhabitat)

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